American Slumber
This series was taken across the U.S. capturing an aging Americana expressing the slow deterioration of a culture. The series was fifty total images that highlight the broken promise of a bright future within small communities that seem to age in place.
Across the small villages in Italy they utilize a community board to keep up with events, shows, and to express public opinions. These boards are typically outside and open to the elements, with little oversight to what is displayed or it’s condition. So the residents seem to post their flyer’s over what is there, building up layers of graphic palimpsest. When traveling to these regions I would seek out these boards and find fascinating compositions.
Italy (2015)
Part travelogue, part storytelling, an act of visual translation. These photos document my time living abroad trying to understand a different culture and feel the
rhythm of space with so mucch living history.
This first image was commisioned for the television show ‘The Americans’ for the FX Network. In pursuit of this I produced a series of photos about americana and automobiles.